
  • 2019 AiA Tasmanian Architecture Awards
  • 2018 Australian Engineering Excellence Awards
  • 2018 AiA Tasmanian Architecture Awards

2019 AiA Tasmanian Architecture Awards

Awesome to see another great selection of Architectural projects entered into this years Tasmanian Architectural Awards that Aldanmark were lucky enough to have engineered:

#TheBaeTAS by workbylizandalex
Ancanthe Park by McCarthy Reed Architects
Bock wareHouse by Pulp Studio
Farm Hill House by Preston Lane
Lansdowne Extension by Preston Lane
Manuka Road by Morrison & Breytenbach Architects
krakani lumi by Taylor and Hinds Architects

The movie above is our small 30sec promotional movie clip that is played on the night of the awards as Aldanmark is a proud sponsor of the event.

2018 Australian Engineering Excellence Awards

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! We are thrilled to announce we managed to win again at the Australian Engineering Excellence Awards with our work on the Royal Hobart Hospital Demolition in conjunction with Hazell Brothers.

Well done to everyone involved.

2018 AiA Tasmanian Architecture Awards

Aldanmark are very proud to have been involved as engineers with the following projects that won awards at the 2018 AiA Tasmanian Architectural Awards

Public Architecture
Kangaroo Bay Pavilion by Preston Lane Architects

Commercial Architecture
Krakani lumi by Taylor and Hinds Architects

Residential Architecture (new houses)
Elms by Stuart Tanner Architects

Small Project Architecture
Krakani lumi by Taylor and Hinds Architects

Heritage Architecture
Luwa by Taylor and Hinds Architects

James Blackburn Triennial Prize
Lagoon House by Taylor and Hinds Architects

Well done to all the Architects involved in this years awards and special mention to Mat Hinds (Taylor and Hinds Architects) for winning the Emerging Architect Prize.

Aldanmark are also very lucky to be involved in the Architectural awards as a sponsor and apart of this role requires us to provide a 30 second TV commercial. We had some fun making the above movie clip...

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