
  • 2022 National Architecture Awards
  • 2021 Colony 47 Donation
  • 2021 AiA Tasmanian Architecture Awards
  • 2020 RHH NPICU Donation
  • 2020 AiA Tasmanian Architecture Awards

2022 National Architecture Awards

We are proud to have been involved in Preston Lanes project Long Beach Amenities that won a National Commendation in Small Project Architecture at the National Architecture Awards this year. A fantastic achievement.

We would also like to make mention and give a big congratulations to Bence Mulcahy on winning a National Award in Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions) for their work on Fusilier Cottage.

2021 Colony 47 Donation

Each year to share your kind Christmas Presents around the whole Aldanmark Team we auction off the gifts to our staff. A different charity is chosen to be the recipient of the money raised each year. This year Colony 47 were grateful to receive such a donation to treat their staff to a Christmas/End of Year lunch.

Colony 47 are an independent proudly Tasmanian enterprise, helping Tasmanians with housing, education and employment. With a vision to create a thriving, connected, inclusive and diverse community where there are opportunities for every Tasmanian.

We hope you all enjoyed your well deserved outing!

2021 AiA Tasmanian Architecture Awards

The Architectural Awards function was a really fun night up in Launceston. Eight ‘Named’ awards, 7 awards and 2 commendations were given out on the night. We are very happy to report that Aldanmark was involved in 9 of these!

Commercial Architecture
Moss 25 by Circa (The Colin Philip Award)

Public Architecture
Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre by Cumulus Studio

Urban Design
Cradle Mountain Gateway Precinct by Cumulus Studio

Signalman’s Quarters by 1+2 Architecture

Residential Architecture – Houses (alterations & additions)
Arthur Circus by Circa Morris-Nunn Chua Architects

Residential Architecture – Houses (alterations & additions)
Signalman’s Quarters by 1+2 Architecture

Residential Architecture – Houses (new)
Coopworth by FMD Architects (The Esmond Dorney Award)

Residential Architecture – Houses (new)
Killora Bay by Lara Maeseele in association with Tanner Architects

Colorbond Award for Steel Architecture
Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre by Cumulus Studio

2020 RHH NPICU Donation

Christmas has come early!!

Aldanmark are very happy to share that we have donated $1000 to Royal Hobart Hospital’s Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU) and you all helped us do it. You may remember at the end of last year, to share your kind Christmas Presents around the whole Aldanmark Team we decided to auction off the gifts to our staff. The money raised together with some of our other charity events during the year helped us raise $1000.

We chose the NPICU following our own staff and families having personal experiences in that ward and wanted to show our little piece of support to the NPICU team and their resources in return.

2020 AiA Tasmanian Architecture Awards

This year’s annual AiA Awards presented an array of talent. Aldanmark are honoured to have completed engineering for a number of mentioned and awarded projects across multiple categories.

Public Architecture
Kingborough Community Hub by March Studio

Commercial Architecture
MOSS 39 by Circa

Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions)
Lower Jordan Hill Road by Taylor and Hinds

Bozen’s Cottage by Taylor and Hinds

Colorbond Award for Steel Architecture
Kingborough Community Hub by March Studio

Here is our short promotional video played on the night as we are proud sponsors of the event.

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